Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Homepage
Publications (by year)
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Workshop I – SCOPE Committee Workshop. (1997 report of the Committee)
Lavelle, P., D. Bignell, M. Lepage, V. Wolters, P. Roger, P. Ineson, O.W. Heal, and S. Dhillion. 1997. Soil function in a changing world: the role of invertebrate ecosystem engineers. European Journal of Soil Biology 33:159 -193. |
Wall Freckman, D., T.H. Blackburn, L. Brussaard, P. Hutchings, M.A. Palmer, and P.V.R. Snelgrove. 1997. Linking biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of soils and sediments. Ambio 26:556-562.
Brussaard, L., V.M. Behan-Pelletier, D.E. Bignell, V.K. Brown, W. Didden, P. Folgarait, C. Fragoso, D. Wall Freckman, V.V.S.R. Gupta, T. Hattori, D.L. Hawksworth, C. Klopatek, P. Lavelle, D.W. Malloch, J. Rusek, B. Soderstrom, J.M. Tiedje, and R.A. Virginia. 1997. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in soil. Ambio 26:563-570.
Palmer, M., A.P. Covich, B.J. Finlay, J. Gibert, K.D. Hyde, R.K. Johnson, T. Kairesalo, S. Lake, C.R. Lovell, R.J. Naiman, C. Ricci, F. Sabater, and D. Strayer. 1997. Biodiversity and ecosystem processes in freshwater sediments. Ambio 26:571-577.
Snelgrove, P., T.H. Blackburn, P.A. Hutchings, D.M. Alongi, J.F. Grassle, H. Hummel, G. King, I. Koike, P.J.D. Lambshead, N.B. Ramsing, and V. Solis-Weiss. 1997. The importance of marine sediment biodiversity in ecosystem processes. Ambio 26:578-583.
Wall D.H., L. Brussaard, P.A. Hutchings, M.A. Palmer, and P.V.R. Snelgrove. 1998. Soil and sediment biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Nature and Resources 34:41-51.
Snelgrove, P.V.R. 1998. The biodiversity of macrofaunal organisms in marine sediments. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:1123-1132.
Hutchings, P. 1998. Biodiversity and functioning of polychaetes in benthic sediments. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:1133-1145.
Hyde, K.D., E.B. Gareth Jones, E. Leaño, S.B. Pointing, A.D. Poonyth, and L.L.P. Vrijmoed. 1998. Role of fungi in marine ecosystems. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:1147-1161.
Finlay, B.J., and G.F. Esteban. 1998. Freshwater protozoa: biodiversity and ecological function. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:1163-1186.
Wong, M.K.M., T.-K. Goh, I.J. Hodgkiss, K.D. Hyde, V.M. Ranghoo, C.K.M. Tsui, W.-H. Ho, W.S.W. Wong, and T.-K. Yuen. 1998. Role of fungi in freshwater ecosystems. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:1187-1206.
Rusek, J. 1998. Biodiversity of Collembola and their functional role in the ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:1207-1219.
Folgarait, P.J. 1998. Ant biodiversity and its relationship to ecosystem functioning: a review. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:1221-1244.
Ingram J., and D. Wall Freckman. 1998. Soil Biota and Global Change – Preface. Global Change Biology 4:699-701.
Young, I.M., E. Blanchart, C. Chenu, M. Dangerfield, C. Fragoso, M. Grimaldi, J. Ingram, and L.J. Monrozier. 1998. The interaction of soil biota and soil structure under global change. Global Change Biology 4:703-712.
Wardle, D.A., H.A. Verhoef, and M. Clarholm. 1998. Trophic relationships in the soil microfood-web: predicting the responses to a changing global environment. Global Change Biology 4:713-727.
Swift, M.J., O. Andren, L. Brussaard, M. Briones, M.-M. Couteaux, K. Ekschmitt, A. Kjoller, P. Loiseau, and P. Smith. 1998. Global change, soil biodiversity, and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: three case studies. Global Change Biology 4:729-743.
Schimel, J.P., and J. Gulledge. 1998. Microbial community structure and global trace gases. Global Change Biology 4:745-758.
van Noordwijk, M., P. Martikainen, P. Bottner, E. Cuevas, C. Rouland, and S.S. Dhillion. 1998. Global change and root function. Global Change Biology 4:759-772.
Smith, P., O. Andren, L. Brussaard, M. Dangerfield, K. Ekschmitt, P. Lavelle, and K. Tate. 1998. Soil biota and global change at the ecosystem level: describing soil biota in mathematical models. Global Change Biology 4:773-784.
Wall, D.H. 1999. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. BioScience 49:107-108.
Wall, D.H., and J.C. Moore. 1999. Interactions underground: Soil biodiversity, mutualism, and ecosystem processes. BioScience 49:109-117.
Covich, A.P., M.A. Palmer, and T.A. Crowl. 1999. The role of benthic invertebrate species in freshwater ecosystems. BioScience 49:119-127.
Snelgrove, P.V.R. 1999. Getting to the bottom of marine biodiversity: Sedimentary habitats. BioScience 49:129-138.
Groffman, P.M., and P.J. Bohlen. 1999. Soil and sediment biodiversity: Cross-system comparisons and large-scale effects. BioScience 49:139-148.
Behan-Pelletier, V., and G. Newton. 1999. Computers in biology: Linking soil biodiversity and ecosystem function – The taxonomic dilemma. BioScience 49:149-153.
Workshop II – Biodiversity Above and Below the Soil and Sediment Surface: Interactions, Effects on Ecosystem Functioning and impacts of Global Change. October 12-16, 1998 in Lunteren, The Netherlands. (workshop webpage) Wardle, D.A. 1999. Biodiversity, ecosystems and interactions that transcend the interface. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14:125-127. |
Adams, G.A., D.H. Wall, and A.P. Covich. 1999. Linkages between below-surface and above-surface biodiversity. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 80:200-204.
Adams, G.A., and D.H. Wall. 2000. Biodiversity Above and Below the Surface of Soils and Sediments: Linkages and Implications for Global Change. BioScience 50:1043-1048.
Hooper, D.U., D.E. Bignell, V.K. Brown, L. Brussaard, J.M. Dangerfield, D.H. Wall, D.A. Wardle, D.C. Coleman, K.E. Giller, P. Lavelle, W.H. van der Putten, P.C. de Ruiter, J. Rusek, W.L. Silver, J.M. Tiedje, and V. Wolters. 2000. Interactions between aboveground and belowground biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems: Patterns, mechanisms, and feedbacks. BioScience 50:1049-1061.
Palmer, M.A., A.P. Covich, S. Lake, P. Biro, J.J. Brooks, J. Cole, C. Dahm, J. Gibert, W. Goedkoop, K. Martens, J. Verhoeven, and W.J. van de Bund. 2000. Linkages between aquatic sediment biota and life above sediments as potential drivers of biodiversity and ecological processes. BioScience 50:1062-1075.
Snelgrove, P.V.R., M.C. Austen, G. Boucher, C. Heip, P.A. Hutchings, G.M. King, I. Koike, P.J.D. Lambshead, and C.R. Smith. 2000. Linking biodiversity above and below the marine sediment-water interface. BioScience 50:1076-1088.
Wolters, V., W.L. Silver, D.E. Bignell, D.C. Coleman, P. Lavelle, W.H. van der Putten, P. de Ruiter, J. Rusek, D.H. Wall, D.A. Wardle, L. Brussaard, J.M. Dangerfield, V.K. Brown, K.E. Giller, D.U. Hooper, O. Sala, J. Tiedje, and J.A. van Veen. 2000. Effects of global changes on above- and belowground biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems: implications for ecosystem functioning. BioScience 50:1089-1098.
Lake, P.S., M.A. Palmer, P. Biro, J. Cole, A.P. Covich, C. Dahm, J. Gibert, W. Goedkoop, K. Martens, and J. Verhoeven. 2000. Global change and the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems: impacts on linkages between above-sediment and sediment biota. BioScience 50:1099-1107.
Smith, C.R., M.C. Austen, G. Boucher, C. Heip, P.A. Hutchings, G.M. King, I. Koike, P.J.D. Lambshead, and P. Snelgrove. 2000. Global change and biodiversity linkages across the sediment-water interface. BioScience 50:1108-1120.
Austen, M. C., P. J. D. Lambshead, P. A. Hutchings, G. Boucher, P. V. R. Snelgrove, C. Heip, G. King, I. Koike, and C. Smith. 2002. Biodiversity links above and below the marine sediment-water interface that may influence community stability. Biodiversity and Conservation 11:113-136.
Wall, D. H., G.A. Adams, and A.N. Parsons. 2001. Soil Biodiversity. F.S. Chapin III and O.E. Sala (eds). Pages 47-82. In Global Biodiversity in a Changing Environment: Scenarios for the 21st Century. Springer-Verlag, New York. |
Workshop III – Workshop to Assess the Role of Soil and Sediment Wall, D.H., M.A. Palmer and P.V.R. Snelgrove. 2001. Biodiversity in critical transition zones between terrestrial, freshwater, and marine soils and sediments: processes, linkages, and management implications. Ecosystems 4:418-420. |
Bardgett, R.D., J.M. Anderson, V. Behan-Pelletier, L. Brussaard, D.C. Coleman, C. Ettema, A Moldenke, J.P. Schimel, and D.H. Wall. 2001. The influence of soil biodiversity on hydrological pathways and the transfer of materials between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystems 4:421-429.
Ewel, K. C., C. Cressa, R.T. Kneib, P.S. Lake, L.A. Levin, M. Palmer, P. Snelgrove, and D.H. Wall. 2001. Managing critical transition zones. Ecosystems 4:452-460.
Levin, L.A., D.F. Bosch, A. Covich, C. Dahm, C. Erseus, K.C. Ewel, R.T. Kneib, A. Moldenke, M.A. Palmer, P. Snelgrove, D. Strayer, and J. M. Weslawski. 2001. The function of marine critical transition zones and the importance of sediment biodiversity. Ecosystems 4:430-451.
Wall, D.H., P.V.R. Snelgrove, and A. Covich. 2001. Conservation priorities for soil and sediment invertebrates. Pages 99-123 in M.E. Soule and G.H. Orians, editors. Conservation biology: research priorities for the next decade. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Publications resulting from ideas generated from participation in SCOPE SSBEF workshops
Van der Putten, W.H., L.E.M. Vet, J.A. Harvey, and F.L. Wäckers. 2001. Linking above- and belowground multitrophic interactions of plants, herbivores, pathogens, and their antagonists. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 16:547-554. |
Wardle, D.A. 2002. Communities and ecosystems: linking the aboveground and belowground components. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA. |
Wardle, D.A. and W.H. Van der Putten. 2002. Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and aboveground-belowground linkages. In M. Loreau, S. Naeem, and P. Inchausti, editors. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. p. 155-168. |